Author: Sofi Dzneladze

Sofi Dzneladze

About Sofi Dzneladze

Meet Sofi Dzneladze, a seasoned professional with over 10 years of experience dedicated to the well-being and care of our furry companions. Sofi’s expertise spans dog grooming, training, and behavior management, making her a trusted authority in the field of canine care.

Sofi began her journey with a passion for understanding dogs on a deeper level: their appearance, behavior, needs, and unique personalities. Over the years, she has honed her skills to become a highly sought-after dog trainer, known for her compassionate approach and ability to build trust with even the most challenging pups.

As a master groomer, Sofi believes grooming is more than aesthetics. It’s a vital part of a dog’s health and happiness. She has perfected techniques that not only leave dogs looking their best but also ensure their comfort and safety throughout the process.

Sofi’s dedication to her craft and her love for animals is reflected in every aspect of her work. Her goal is simple: to help dogs and their owners live harmoniously while promoting the highest standards of care and understanding.

When Sofi isn’t working with her four-legged clients, she shares her knowledge through articles, workshops, and consultations, ensuring pet owners have the tools they need to give their dogs the best life possible. Her work continues to inspire dog lovers around the world.